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The Cal Spas Olympian 1868 which is our largest swim spa. This Dual Zone Fitness Swim Spa allows you to control the dual temperature at 70 degrees for the swim spa and 102 degrees for the hot tub. Step into the swim spa for an intense expert level fitness swimming workout. Our Cross-Current Stabilization System will keep swimmers in place, against the current. Enjoy getting fit while spending time with loved ones.
1 | 3
Sterling Silver
93" x 210" x 51"
2,950 (1,338 kg)
21,984 (9,972 kg)
2,285 (8,650 L)
1 x 6.0 BHP | 1 x 6.0 BHP
3 x 6.0 BHP
240V | 110V
2 | 31
5 Swim Jet System V
2 Rip Current Jets
3 Power Stream Jets
Yes | Single Pure Silk System
Y-Pillow | Y-Pillow
Yes | Yes
100 Sq. Ft. (2 x 50 Sq. Ft.) | 50 SqFt
Multi Colored LED 2 x 5" |
Multi Colored LED 1 x 5"
Cal Spas Touch 4 w/ Touch 1 Aux | BP 501G1
Cal Spas Touch 1 Square
5.5 kW Titanium | 5.5 kW Titanium
Yes | Yes
Elite™ Horizontal
Yes | Yes
5" - 3" Cal Armor™ | 5" - 3" Cal Armor™
10 Years
7 Years
5 Years
5 Years
5 Years
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