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The Icepod is our individual model which can be used in any environment, institution or home. Simply put it in place, fill it up with water, plug it in and set the temperature. All of our tubs plug into a Standard 110v wall outlet, fit through a Standard doorway, are filled up with a garden hose, and have temperature ranges from 42º – 104ºF. Your COLDTUB™ is now ready for your own personal use. The Icepod comes with everything a pro-trainer would want, including COLDTUB™ Pal.
Tip: Get two Icepods and use one cold and one hot for contrast bath therapy.
Empty: 181 kg / 400 LBS
Full: 408 kg / 900 LBS
Volts: 110
Watts: 1300
60 Gal / 227 L
1 person
Inches (lxwxh): 60 x 30 x 42
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